Kamis, 01 Oktober 2020

My Goals For The Future

 My name is Sovina Aulia Ridwan and I am 16 years old. As you know that people at this age usually have many thoughts about what to do next on their future but still don't know what will they choose. So do I. I am interested on design but I am not skilled enough yet. I also have many hobbies such as writing, reading, singing, listening to music and playing games. But these days, I am too lazy to do my hobbies so I think I am still confused about my passion. 

Although, I have decided to major in accounting and get my degree at college. I have many dream jobs but they are not related to the major that I chose. Such as singer, writer, traveller or blogger, and businesswoman. I want to have my own company and my Dad really encouraged my desire. About become a singer, writer, or traveller, I can make it a side jobs because they are related to my hobbies.

Actually I have many achievement in academics when I was in elementary school such as won the International Mathematics and Science Olympiad (IMSO) and other singing competition. But in junior high school, I didn't win any competition. But it is fine because everything that I have experienced is wonderful and I took my lesson from it. In high school, I haven't entered any competition yet because I feel my self-confidence is diminishing at this time. But last week, my friend and me entered a talent competition called "Bintang SMA 2020" which is held by Pocari Sweat. I hope that I can get into the top 50. 

I still have plenty of time to find what my passion is so that I can achieve my goals and maybe another unexpected goals. I want to study in Universitas Indonesia with major in accounting.I hope that all of my dreams will come true. I'm also trying to increase my self-confidence and enthusiasm for learning. So, that is all from me. Thank you for reading my blog!

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